RC Power
The following classes and rules apply except as modified below:
Clubman Scale
Freestyle Aerobatics
Pattern Aerobatics
Multi Task ‘Fun Fly’
Open Pylon
Model specifications are as defined in BMFA Contest Rules Sections 5 and 6 except as modified below.
Engines are to be started in the designated areas.
The number of rounds to be flown in any competition will be determined by the CD having taken into account the weather conditions and number of contestants. In the event of weather deterioration during the competition the decision of the CD and judges as to placings will be final.
Builder of the model. The ‘builder of the model’ and ‘multiple entry’ rules are waived for the Fun Fly, Open Pylon and Aerobatics events. Top
Clubman Scale Subject to the approval of the CD, a competitor may be allowed to enter more than one model but only the model achieving the highest marks will count in the final placing. Top
5.4 RAFMAA Rules
Attempts. Each competitor will be allowed 2 attempts to complete each flight; however, only 1 re-flight may be called throughout the event, not 2 attempts per round. An ‘attempt may be called at any point prior to completing manoeuvre 3. A second attempt will not be allowed when the first attempt was curtailed due to any lack of airmanship on the part of the competitor.
Number of Rounds. The number of rounds will be at the discretion of the CD. Where more than 1 round is flown each competitor will drop the lowest round score and the result will be decided on the total of the remaining scores.
Scoring. Each manoeuvre will be scored out of 10 points and then multiplied by the respective K factor.
Model specifications. Models for Aeros must comply with the specification laid out in GBRCAA rules which are normally derived from current FAI F3A rules.
Engine. No restriction. Top
General Manoeuvres Guidance
All manoeuvres will start and finish in straight and level flight.
Centre manoeuvres will start and finish on the same heading while turn-around manoeuvres will finish on heading 180 deg to entry. Unless noted, entry and exit will be at the same altitude.
All manoeuvres which have more than one loop or part of loops will have the loops or parts of loops of the same diameter and in the case of consecutive loops, in the same place. Similarly all manoeuvres which have more than one roll will have the same roll rate. All consecutive rolls will be at the same altitude and heading.
All manoeuvres with rolls, part rolls or snap rolls will have lines of equal length before and after the rolls unless noted otherwise (as in Immelmann and avalanche).
Any violation of the above will be reason for downgrading, in addition to the downgrades listed in the manoeuvre descriptions. Note that these lists are not all inclusive.
Pattern Aerobatics Manoeuvres. The pattern aerobatic competition is to be flown as an uninterrupted schedule
Freestyle Aerobatics Manoeuvres. Individual Pilots are required to choose their manoeuvres with the following restrictions:
The total K factor of the whole routine must add up to 30
The routine K factor of 30 must include the take off sequence (K 1) and the landing sequence (K1)
Each routine must have a minimum of 4 turn round manoeuvres
The freestyle aerobatic competition is not meant to be flown as a continuous schedule, time may be taken in between manoeuvres to reposition the aircraft. That said, pilots who wish to fly their freestyle routine as a continuous schedule may do so. Top
Model Configuration. Any fixed wing model aircraft up to 5 kg maximum weight. The model must be capable of taking-off and landing on its own undercarriage.
Event Details. The event will involve five 'tasks' noted below:
Loop, roll and Touch-and-Go
Touch and go,
Pit Stop
Longest Glide
Scoring. Scores from tasks all will count towards the overall score. The tasks may be performed in any order as requested by the CD on the day. Although participants may be placed, in the individual tasks, placings, will only be given in the overall event if all five tasks are completed. If weather conditions prevent the erection of a suitably frangible limbo gate the CD may exclude the task from the event.
Method of Scoring for Each Task. The winner of each task will be given 100 points. The other entrants will score on a percentage basis according to their performance. i.e. ,
Winner of longest glide 10 minutes - 100 points
Runner-up 8 minutes - 80 points
Method of Scoring Overall Event. The points of each entrant for all tasks are added together. The entrant with the highest total is the overall winner.
Pilot's Rules for All Tasks:
All models must R.O.G. in a safe manner into wind. Whilst airborne, the pilot must remain between the model and spectators and other entrants at all times (i.e. spectators must be behind the pilot and the model must be in front of the pilot).
The same model must be used for all tasks.
Pilots, assistants and marshals for all tasks except the ‘Longest Glide’ must wear protective headgear.
Each competitor will be allowed to refly a single task of his choice (not all tasks!) at a time agreed with the CD. On giving notice to exercise this option the individuals score already attained for the task will be discarded and only the score from the re-fly will count towards the overall position.
Entrants will be expected to attempt all events. They may withdraw at any time but will only gain a station point if, in the opinion of the Contest Director, their model becomes unfit to fly after they have completed at least one event.
Loop, Roll and Touch and Go Rules:
Take off into wind, complete one upwind loop followed by one downwind loop.
Perform two touch and goes on a designated area.
Perform one upwind roll followed by one downwind roll.
Land in the designated area.
To qualify as a touch and go both main wheels must first touch within the square (they may roll across the line after touching within the square) and then lift off.
Pilots may stand on their own selected spot.
The marked square is to be eight metres square.
Models must take off away from the square into wind.
All touch and go attempts must be made from a circular or figure 8 approach. Looping is not permitted.
N.B. In the case of a tie, there will be a fly-off using a smaller square.
Touch & Go Rules:
The object of the task is to complete as many touch and goes in a designated area in 2 minutes, timed from the release of the model for take off.
To qualify as a touch and go both main wheels must first touch within the square (they may roll across the line after touching within the square)and then lift off.
Models must take off away from the square into wind.
All touch and go attempts must be made from a circular or figure 8 approach. Looping is not permitted.
Limbo Rules:
The object of this task is to complete as many clean passes through the limbo gate in 3 minutes, timed from the release of the model for take-off.
A clean pass will be scored if the model passes under and in between the strings carrying the streamers. The ground must not be contacted and the strings must remain unbroken.
Whilst flying the entrant must remain within the area marked by the tapes on either side of the gate for the full two minutes. If the entrant moves outside the marked area he will be disqualified.
When the entrant is given the start signal he will start his engine with the help of his assistant and transport the model to the take-off position.
The model must take-off safely away from the gate into wind. The assistant must retire immediately from the gate, but be ready to retrieve the model if the engine cuts on take-off or in flight.
If the engine cuts out in flight, it may be restarted and the task continued, but the timing will not be stopped after the first take-off. All subsequent take-offs must be made from the gate area.
Timing will commence when the model is released.
If the strings are cut, only the clean passes up to that point will count. The pass cutting the string does not count.
Pit Stop Rules:
Take off into wind, fly for 30 seconds, cut engine and land on a designated area.
Start engine, take off into wind from the designated area, fly for 20 seconds, cut engine then land on designated area.
On board glow batteries are not allowed. Engines may be started by hand or by electric starter.
This event will be timed from the initial point of Take Off to the time when the wheels touch the ground on the last landing. The fastest time wins.
Longest Glide Rules:
The object of the task is to climb under power for a predetermined time and then, after the engine has been cut, to stay airborne as long as possible.
The throttle on the engine must be set up so that the engine can be stopped when the marshal gives the command.
The entrant will take-off from a given point and climb for 30 seconds (or less if weather conditions dictate).
The entrant will then be instructed by the marshal to stop the engine and glide.
Five seconds after the instruction to stop the engine is given the throttle should be opened fully and left open for five seconds to ensure that it has stopped (not for electric models).
The entrant with the longest glide time counted in minutes and seconds will be the winner.
The designated landing area is 8 metres square.
There will be a 10% bonus for landing in the square.
In the event of a tie there will be a fly-off timed by two marshals in minutes and seconds with a reduced engine run if necessary. Top
This event is open to any type of R/C power model providing that the model has been entered in at least one other RAFMAA competition in the same year.
Racing will take place over a standard FAI pylon course. All models will complete 10 laps. Should, for any reason, the CD wish to alter the number of laps then he/she may do so but the decision is applied to all models.
The maximum number of models in each heat will be 4.
The composition of preliminary heats will be decided by a draw. Each model in each heat will be timed, with the fastest 8 times from the first round heats going forward into the semi-finals. The fastest 4 times from the semi-finals will go forward into the final.
Safety. All pilots, flagmen and timekeepers are to wear protective helmets. Top
The aim is to overfly the patch at a predetermined height and drop a bomb as close as possible to a target . The distance the bomb lands from the target will be measured as per the rules below. The aircraft must be fitted with a “bomb release mechanism” (brm) that can be operated from an appropriate channel on the transmitter when required in order to accurately drop the bomb. The pilot can either build a brm himself or a brm can be supplied by the Competition Director (CD) on the day. Any bomb used should not pose a danger to personnel on the ground and should be capable of being found in long grass. If all bombs are capable of being used on tarmac, the CD may elect to place the target on tarmac.
There will be no practice bombing runs on the day.
Each pilot will be allowed two attempts at bombing the target for each round that is flown.
On each attempt the pilot will take off into wind and climb out on the first circuit to align over the patch. This will be the first pass and must be into wind.
The pilot will be allowed a second and third pass either of which can be used as the bombing run and must be into wind. The bomb must be dropped from 40 foot or higher above the ground. Failure to do so will incur a foul bombing, CD to judge height.
After the third pass, the pilot must land regardless of whether or not the bomb has been successfully released.
The distance from the bomb to the centre of the target will be measured in cm.
A foul bombing is void and a maximum of one per pilot is permissible. A second foul bombing will result in disqualification.
The winner will be the nearest to the target after all rounds have been flown.
No helicopters or hovering devices are allowable. Aircraft must not be flown at angles of attack greater than the aircraft's stall angle. i.e. No harriers or prop hanging
Safety is paramount - dangerous activity will result in a foul bombing.
At all times the CD’s decision will be final.