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Membership is open to all members, past and present of any Armed Forces, UK Reservists and MOD civilians.  By invitation, membership is open to civilians willing to further the objects of the RAFMAA.

To promote the value of amateur sporting activity and endeavour as a core contribution to operational effectiveness.

The Association

As an Area within the BMFA, the RAFMAA covers the entirety of the UK and also the UK's sovereign bases overseas. Established in 1949, the RAF Model Aircraft Association seeks to promote participation, competence and competition in a controlled environment.  Similar to the BMFA, we encourage and participate in all forms of model flying activity from Freeflight to Drones and everything inbetween.


Annual membership is currently £18.  However, we offer the following discounts if you've passed, or re-passed, a BMFA Achievement Scheme examination within the last 5 years:

  • £1 - A Certificate or BPC

  • £2 - B Certificate

  • £3 - C Certificate


Examiners receive a £4 discount


Committee members receive free membership


All Serving members receive free BMFA membership

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