Chairman's Choice Challenge 2022
Traditionally taking place on the last competition day of our Championships, the annual Chairman’s Choice Comp' seeks to challenge RAFMAA members in new ways, enhancing their enjoyment of both their Association and their sport.

With quite a few RAFMAA members having taken part in 2018's “Battle of Britain: Model Sqn” documentary and combat flying being an integral part of that concept, it has been suggested that a team-based event along similar lines could be an enjoyable addition to the fixtures at the Champs.
The 2022 RAFMAA Chairman’s Choice will therefore be an RC team combat event. Rather than a strictly WW2 theme using FPV, laser-targeting and off-the-shelf scale models though, our competition will be more relaxed, aiming to be fun and accessible to all.
This will be a controlled class but you may build your own model OR use “off-the-shelf” so long as it conforms to the criteria below. Combat will be based on towed streamer cutting and streamers will be provided for standardisation purposes. Teams will be formed on the day based on numbers and skill level.
This should be a right laugh chaps! Get yourselves involved!
Aircraft spec;
Max wingspan 800mm (for a single wing, a bi-plane can have 2x 800mm wings)
10-15 amp ESC
2205 size motor
Prop 8 inch max diameter
2S battery
Provision to attach tail streamer
FPV is allowed (noting it will add extra weight)
Teams will be drawn on the day (names in a hat).
The number per team will depend on the number of entrants.
The team will fly with a supplied length of streamer being given to each AC.
Points are scored by removing material from the other teams streamers. The team with the most points wins.
To reduce the temptation for kamikaze runs, points will be deducted if it is deemed the pilot aimed for the aircraft and not the streamer (CD discretion). This is to prevent total destruction of models and encourage a more realistic dog fight.

Our Competeition Secretary has a few suggestions for models to get your creative juices flowing!
The FreeAir Streefighters series is Mike's own weapon of choice (see pictures of desert Spitfire below).
Don’t forget to share your build threads on our facebook group or send your pictures to secretary@rafmaa.co.uk for inclusion in our newsletter.
Incidentally, if you have an idea for a challenge then the chairman would love to hear about it. Drop him a line at chairman@rafmaa.co.uk.