We are now able to confirm this years event will be held 24th-28th July and is open for registration online via the events sub-page.
With No. 614 Volunteer Gliding Squadron now permanantly established at RAF Honington, our Champs & AFI has been shifted to Monday-Friday, instead of the traditional Wednesday-Sunday slot. Fear not though! This is still RAFMAA's Champs as you have come to expect with all the usual thrills, spills and laughs! The timetable will be adjusted accordingly however and incorporates the RAF Honington families day.
General Event Timings;
Sunday evening - Arrival at campsite (to be confirmed)
Monday AM - Event set up
Monday PM - FunFly, Meet&Greet BBQ
Tuesday AM - Aeros (freestyle)
Tuesday PM - Aeros (pattern), AGM
Wednesday - AM Scale Comp
Wednesday PM - Pylon, CC, FF. Presentation evening.
Thursday AM - SSA/Northside to be vacated for Air Show. RC flying permitted before flying starts (to be confirmed ). Drone Tech Hub setup.
Thursday PM - Honington Families Day. Air display including Typhoon , Grob, Reds and BBMF. RAFMAA to support with DTH.
Friday - BMFA Achievement Scheme Cert's and event pack up.
Drone Racing Timings:
Mon-Wed - Flying
Thursday - No Flying permitted
Friday - Flying
Daily flying briefings will be held at 09:00 at the campsite prior to flying commencing. A more detailed schedule will be promulgated closer to the event along with an AGM agenda.
Specific event details are still yet to be confirmed. Expect posts about the Admin Order, Chairmans Choice, Guest Speaker, Fork Supper and more soon.
